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Ben Pivoz
Jun 25, 2019
Late Night
It is a movie with something to say in regards to gender, workplace inequality, race and age, but in a smart and funny way, not a pushy or p

Ben Pivoz
Jun 22, 2019
Toy Story 4
These movies are always deep; 4 is no exception. It mirrors the toys’ emotions with that of their kid’s and the kid’s parents. Even four ent

Ben Pivoz
Jun 18, 2019
The Secret Life of Pets 2
The Secret Life of Pets 2 is a sequel made for purely commercial reasons. It has no artistic reason for existing. It is occasionally enterta

Ben Pivoz
Jun 14, 2019
The Dead Don't Die
I certainly had fun with The Dead Don’t Die, though it left me feeling a tiny bit like Jarmusch was punching below his weight. However, for

Ben Pivoz
May 23, 2019
Booksmart has the requisite raunchy humor, but it never sacrifices character in favor of a gag. As crazy as things get, the personalities, a

Ben Pivoz
May 11, 2019
The Hustle
The problem with The Hustle is not what it keeps, rather what it has lost. The stars prove themselves game for anything, but the screenplay

Ben Pivoz
May 11, 2019
Watching Poms is a weird experience. The main cast is full of skilled professionals able to get laughs even out of this weak material, yet t

Ben Pivoz
May 9, 2019
Long Shot
Long Shot is a mashup of sweet romance, vulgarity and political satire. The third one does not totally work, but the first two make up for i

Ben Pivoz
May 2, 2019
Family is an amusing comedy that takes a fairly common premise in slightly unexpected directions. However, it appears more thoughtful than i

Ben Pivoz
Apr 18, 2019
Missing Link
It is clever, likable, enjoyable to look at and just a good time at the theater. It is not Laika's best, but it is their funniest. The c
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