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Ben Pivoz
Dec 14, 2019
Richard Jewell
In order to see things Clint Eastwood’s way, we have to empathize with the character. Paul Walter Hauser absolutely delivers on all counts i

Ben Pivoz
Dec 7, 2019
I have seen thousands of movies in my life. It is rare one makes me seriously contemplate how I can be more thoughtful, kind, loving or resp

Ben Pivoz
Dec 7, 2019
Honey Boy
Honey Boy is harrowing and brave. Hopefully, LaBeouf got whatever he needed out of making it because, if this year has proven anything, his

Ben Pivoz
Dec 7, 2019
Dark Waters
There are more flat-out enjoyable options playing in theaters right now, though nothing more passionate. Its message carries it past its dul

Ben Pivoz
Nov 28, 2019
Queen & Slim
Their conversations can be tense, witty, charming, emotional and combative. The purpose seems to have been to make them relatable by not mak

Ben Pivoz
Nov 22, 2019
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
This screenplay is telling us Mr. Rogers was not Fred Rogers playing a character; it was who he was in every fiber of his being. He is a sym

Ben Pivoz
Nov 16, 2019
The Good Liar
On the basis of what the two of them do here, a story truly about his manipulation and their relationship could have been pretty compelling.

Ben Pivoz
Nov 16, 2019
Ford v Ferrari
Ford v Ferrari is precisely what it intends to be: fun, exciting entertainment that relates a true story in a captivating way. It is not try

Ben Pivoz
Nov 9, 2019
Pain and Glory
I am unaware of what is based on his life and what is fiction. What I am sure of is this is a lovely film, introspective, entertaining and v

Ben Pivoz
Nov 2, 2019
This is a big role that practically screams “award nominations.” While I would not put Harriet on that level, I would not be surprised to se
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